TP:分位值(top percentile)
The TP9999 is a minimum time under which 99.99% of requests have been served.
可以认为 TP9999 的意思是保证 99.99% 请求都能被响应需要的最小耗时。
calculating TP is very simple:
1.sort all respond times in ascending order,eg: [2s, 10s, 100s, 1000s]
2.find latest item in portion you need to calculate.
2.1 for TP50 it will be ceil 4*0.5=2
requests. You need 2nd request.
2.2 for TP90 it will be ceil 4*0.9=4
You need 4th request.
3.we get time for the item found above. TP50=10s. TP90=1000s
SLA:服务等级协议(service level agreement)
1年 = 365天 = 8760小时,可以计算全年可停机的时间。
SLA99.9 = 8760 * 0.1% = 8760 * 0.001 = 8.76小时
SLA99.99 = 8760 * 0.0001 = 0.876小时 = 0.876 * 60 = 52.6分钟
SLA99.999 = 8760 * 0.00001 = 0.0876小时 = 0.0876 * 60 = 5.26分钟
Amdahl‘s law 阿姆达尔定律
假设一个大的任务串行处理耗时 1 个单位时间,其中有 f 部分可以进行并行化处理,现在的耗时为,(1-f)+f/p
reference: Youtube-Amdahl's Law